September 2016


[:en]Muhammad Daviq Hasbullah ABSTRACT This study focuses on the humanistic psychology of the main character. The result of the humanistic psychology of the main character of the novel Ayah, Lelaki itu Mengkhianatiku shows that the problem experienced by someone would get him/her suppressed. The levels of neccesity needed will be a little bit stuck as...
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[:en]Muhammad Ariz Dafiqi Abstract This study is aimed to analyze the types of impoliteness and the factors that influence the use of impoliteness strategies in a movie script. The data source of this research are taken from a movie script entitled Carnage directed by Roman Polanski (2011) This study describes the types of impoliteness used...
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[:en] Sidang terbuka senat Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember (FIB-UNEJ) pada hari Jumat, 9 September 2016 di aula FIB-UNEJ dalam agenda tunggal melepas 25 Sarjana baru dengan iringan doa semoga ilmu yang telah didapat dari FIB-UNEJ bermanfaat dan berguna bagi keluarga, masyarakat bangsa dan negara bahkan dunia. Beberapa kali wakil Sarjana, Khoirun Nisah Ariski, SS menyampaikan...
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[:en]Muchammad Alfan     ABSTRACT   This article discusses the maxims of politeness principles and the pragmatic scales. It is found in the interview between Putra Nababan and Barack Obama on March 22nd, 2010. The purpose of this study is to determine how far the maxims of politeness principles and the pragmatic scales affect Nababan...
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[:en]Monafisa Rizqi   Abstract   This research talks about Vocabulary Learning Strategies  (VLS)  of English Department  Students  of  Faculty of Letters Academic Year of 2013/2014.  Those students used English as a Foreign Language (FL).  This study concerns on Second Language Acquisition (SLA), especially the VLS. VLS are significant to improve the students’ skill in learning...
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[:en]Mohammad Taufik   ABSTRACT This study is aimed at analyzing the education dynamics of Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School in Mimbaan Sub-district, Panji District, Situbondo Regency, 1996-2013, by using an education sociology approach. This Islamic boarding school is one of salaf boarding schools in Situbondo that has applied modern education system. Since the implementation of...
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[:en]MOHAMMAD EFENDI   Abstract In the language study, everything done by people via the utterance is called speech acts. Speech acts is not only found in the daily life but also in the movie. This research focuses on speech acts used by some characters in the trial process in Harry Potter and the Order of...
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[:en]Moh. Farhan   Abstract This study was conducted by using an ethnographic communication approach. This approach examines the role of language in communicative behavior of certain population group. Group of fishing communities located on the coast of Pondok Mimbo Village, Situbondo Regency is selected as the research subject, while the object of study is the...
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[:en]Miftachul Firdaus   Abstract This research is aimed to explain and analyze the development of land conflict that occurred in Kalibaru Manis village, Kalibaru district, Banyuwangi regency during 1999-2001. To know the development of the land conflict occurred in Kalibaru Manis village, sociology approach emphasizing on theory of conflict needs to be conducted. The problems...
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[:en]Lutfiatul Khikmah   ABSTRACT Mantra is oral tradition used to ask help from super natural power and to encounter other magical power. In the using of diction, this article discuss about connotative meaning, correct and matching words; also using idiolect of the mantra make it interesting and sacredness. The sources of data comes from wizard...
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