November 2016


[:en]Saksikan Pemutaran dan Diskusi Film Fiksi dan Dokumenter dalam rangka Pekan Chairil Anwar 2016 pada tanggal 3-4 Desember 2016, jam 09.00 – selesai bertempat di Aula Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember. [:]
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[:en]Karomatul Lisa ABSTRACT The issues which are examined in this study are (1) the directive speech acts conducted amongst adolescents, and (2) how to reduce the impoliteness in directive speech acts amongst adolescents in Rambipuji Sub-district, Jember Regency. The research methods used are (1) observation method to collect the data, (2) pragmatic equivalent method and...
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[:en]IQBAL MAHRUS SHOLEH   Abstract This study deals with translation, particularly in practical application of techniques, methods, and ideologies of translation. They are used in translating one of texts entitled Isra‘ Mi’raj in Pidato Tiga Bahasa book. The purposes of the research are to find out and to elaborate techniques, methods, and the dominant ideology...
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[:en] Workshop “Optimasi Website dan Access Point” bagi seluruh operator web di lingkungan Universitas Jember pada Rabu dan Kamis (23 dan 24) November 2016 di UPT-TI dibuka oleh Kepala UPT-TI, Sudarko. Sudarko menyampaikan pentingnya Access Point di setiap fakultas sebagai bentuk pelayanan teknologi informasi kepada civitas akademika, walaupun diakui bahwa setelah melalui evaluasi dengan disediakannya...
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[:en] Catatan: Minggu Tenang Perkuliahan dimulai tanggal 8 s.d 12 Desember 2016 Apabila jadwal UAS bentrok/kress segeralah melapor ke bagian pendidikan (Mas Andy), minimal lebih dari 5 mahasiswa dalam satu kelas, maka jadwal matakuliah yang diuji dapat diubah sesuai kebutuhan pelapor. Batas pelaporan terakhir tanggal 25 November 2016; Pukul 11.00 WIB. Dimohon mahasiswa untuk lebih...
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[:en]Heny Retna Anggraeny   ABSTRACT   Pasrah pinanganten and panampi are kinds of speech delivered in Islamic wedding ceremony mantu and ngundhuh mantu in Javanesse people. This analysis describes (1) the structure, (2) the cohesion and coherence, (3) intertextuality, (4) diction and figurative language, and (5) speech acts. The data collection method used in this...
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[:en]Fenti Tanjung Sari   Abstract   This study is focused on the use of language in the Misogyny Speech delivered by Julia Gillard, the first female Australian Prime Minister, on 22 October 2012. Data is obtained from The Sydney Moring Herald website as much as 264 clauses of Julia Gillard’s Misogyny Speech transcript. To reveal...
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Erfina Prabandari Abstract   This article identifies and describes the structural and intertextual elements in Ken Arok story in Saini K.M.’s Ken Arok, Pararaton and Nagarakretagama. The technicque of analysis used in this article is descriptive qualitative for describing the structural and intertextual elements in the hypogram texts as the background of earlier texts, the...
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[:en]Elvira Dela Framalita   ABSTRACT   This article identifies and describes the structural elements and liberal feminism discourse in Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Midah, Simanis Bergigi Emas. This study applies a liberal feminism as the theoretical framework with the qualitative-descriptive method of analysis to know critically the discourses of woman freedom, including the freedom to choose...
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