

[:en]SUMMARY   Rhetoric in Marriage Customs of Madurese in Mengok Pujer Bondowoso; Abdul Ghafur, 090110201009; 2015:58 pages;Department of Indonesian Literature University of Jember Rhetoric in the customs of Madurese in Mengok is a unique fact that requires scientific study. Researchers conducts this research to determine how the form and purpose of the rhetoric used by...
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[:en]  Wiwik Sundari    ABSTRACT This research aims (1) to describe the form of terms in the making of coconut sugar on javanese community in Kaligondo village, Genteng sub-district, Banyuwangi district; and (2) to describe the interpretation of the meaning and terms in the process of coconut sugar making on javanese community in Kaligondo village,...
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[:en]Wardah Febryana   ABSTRACT Pesbukers is a variety show program on ANTV that tends to be a comedy. The existence of this program can be seen from the persistence of the program from 2011 until now (June 2016). On the August 17, 2015 episode, the presentation of Pesbukers program was made special and different from...
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[:en]Vina Duwi Prastyowati   ABSTRACT This article discusses the illocutionary speech acts in the interaction of trading in Jaya Bird Market Jember by using pragmatic perspective. Its goal is to describe the form of illocutionary speech acts and bidding speech strategy. The data collected through observation and interview are analyzed using equivalent pragmatic method. The...
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[:en]Syaifullah ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the economic dynamics of coffee farmers in Kayumas village during 1999-2013. Kayumas village is one area of smallholder coffee plantations located on the slope of Mount Ijen. The smallholder coffee plantation in Kayumas village had always been developing, in terms of either the area or the number of farmers, especially...
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[:en]Siti Romlah abstract This article discusses the personal choice of female main character, Kirani, in Muhidin M. Dahlan’s Tuhan Izinkan Aku Menjadi Pelacur. The goal of this study is to show the dominant factor that influences Kirana for becoming a prostitute. By using a multicultural feminism perspective that emphasizes on the struggle of woman in...
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[:en]Leonorra Joliesse Nambinintsoanirina   Abstract The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain demonstrates the division of social classes in nineteenth century. He shows the two dominant classes such as bourgeois and proletariat. The bourgeois class is rich people with the mean of production and can get many workers. The proletariat class is poor...
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[:en]SITI NUR FAJRIYAH ABSTRACT This study analyzes the issue related to the representation of gender discrimination experienced by the Afghan’s women under the Taliban regime. The construction of gender discrimination is represented in The Breadwinner through the experiences of the female main characters of the novel. This study uses the theory of Stuart Hall’s Representation...
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[:en]R.A.J. Safina Adam Abstract This article discusses fashion discourse and power constructed in Lauren Weisberger’s The Devil Wears Prada published in 2003. In this research there are three research questions. The first question is about how the fashion discourse is constructed in the novel. The second question is about how the power operates in the...
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[:en]Rohmatul Laila Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the background of the labor dispute, to know the process of labor disputes, as well as the impact of the labor dispute. Sociological approach used in this paper is to analyze about labor. The method used in this study  is the historical method. The...
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