[:en]Sebanyak 25 calon wisudawan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember (FIB-UNEJ)melakukan gladi bersih pelaksanaan yudisium periode I tahun akademik 2016/2017 di Aula FIB-UNEJ. Sukma Yeni, selaku koordinator upacara yudisium FIB-UNEJ menghimbau kepada para yudisi untuk mengikuti upacara dengan khidmat sesuai dengan arahan pada gladi bersih. Upacara...Read More
[:en]Kurinta Septi Dwi Rahayu ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyse English compound words based on the morphological aspects. The morphological aspects are the types, the orthographic features, and the meanings of compounds. The data of this research are taken from five selected articles of...Read More
[:en]Indah MasitaRahmatillah ABSTRACT Term is a certain name which has a specific charaterictics or name that contains words or combination of words, expresss meaning, concept, process, situation or special characterictics in a particular area. The use of terms in particular area is not...Read More
[:en]Ilvi Rachmawati Abstract This thesis aims to analyze the types and the patterns of English Collocation and the application in a short story entitled “Passion” written by Alice Munro in 2004. The data of this research are in the form of sentences and...Read More
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