

[:en]  Wiwik Sundari    ABSTRACT This research aims (1) to describe the form of terms in the making of coconut sugar on javanese community in Kaligondo village, Genteng sub-district, Banyuwangi district; and (2) to describe the interpretation of the meaning and terms in the process of coconut sugar making on javanese community in Kaligondo village,...
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[:en]Nuri Lailiatul Fadila ABSTRACT This article discusses (1) the form of terms in slametan (a traditional ritual) mowang na’as and arokat and (2) the interpretation meaning and the use of them in the two rituals in Kalitapen Village, Tapen Sub-district, Bondowoso Regency. The data collected through observation and interviews were analyzed to know them as...
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[:en]Indah MasitaRahmatillah   ABSTRACT   Term is a certain name which has a specific charaterictics or name that contains words or combination of words, expresss meaning, concept, process, situation or special characterictics in a particular area. The use of terms in  particular area is not only used an expression, but they can also facilitate a...
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[:en]Ubaidillah   ABSTRACT The traditional utterances are one of the traditional cultures used as the attitude’s orientation. The use of the traditional utterances aims to create a harmonious social relationship. This research uses descriptive qualitative method in which making the description of the traditional utterances’ form, meaning, and function applied by Madurese people in Sukowono...
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