

[:en]Putri Yashinta Istiara   ABSTRAC Mantra (spell) is a language which is classified as a ritual language since mantra texts are used for specific purposes. Mantra includes grace spells, thieve spells, rain repellent spells, and kanuragan (supranatural power) spells. Those spells are analyzed based on the diction and language style using referential integrity and descriptive...
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[:en]Lutfiatul Khikmah   ABSTRACT Mantra is oral tradition used to ask help from super natural power and to encounter other magical power. In the using of diction, this article discuss about connotative meaning, correct and matching words; also using idiolect of the mantra make it interesting and sacredness. The sources of data comes from wizard...
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[:en]Sri Mariati Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Jember Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121    ABSTRAK   Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan nilai-nilai kultural magisme dalam konteks budaya Tengger. Kajian dilakukan secara etnografis. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa mantra dan nilai-nilai kultural magisme bagi masyarakat dan budaya Tengger merupakan representasi dari doa. Bagi masyarakat yang memiliki kultur bukit...
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