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[:en]Vina Duwi Prastyowati   ABSTRACT This article discusses the illocutionary speech acts in the interaction of trading in Jaya Bird Market Jember by using pragmatic perspective. Its goal is to describe the form of illocutionary speech acts and bidding speech strategy. The data collected through observation and interview are analyzed using equivalent pragmatic method. The...
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[:en]MOHAMMAD EFENDI   Abstract In the language study, everything done by people via the utterance is called speech acts. Speech acts is not only found in the daily life but also in the movie. This research focuses on speech acts used by some characters in the trial process in Harry Potter and the Order of...
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[:en]Nuris Khoirina Isnaini Abstract This research focuses on Miranda Priestly’s complaint utterances in McKenna’s movie script The Devil Wears Prada. Qualitative research is applied since the data are in the form of utterances. The methods that are used to analyze the data are descriptive and interpretative. Descriptive study is used to elaborate the speech act...
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[:en]Nanang Fauzi Abstract The purpose of this study is to explain what kind of speech acts that are found in King’s speech and to reveal what is the dominant speech acts in the study. This study is descriptive qualitative because the types of data are in the form of texts and utterances. Descriptive study is...
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  • Visi Misi https://sisbpn.petrolab.co.id/ https://survey.petrolab.co.id/pulsa/ http://jdih-aceh-dev.kemenkumham.go.id/ http://dev-realisasi.stipjakarta.ac.id/ https://efinger.bkpp.gorontalokota.go.id/ https://lppm.nurulfikri.ac.id/ https://sierik.bkpp.gorontalokota.go.id/ http://kebunraya.balikpapan.go.id/ https://dev-sido.sebi.ac.id/ https://wginc.com/ https://jdih.majalengkakab.go.id/ slotpulsa