[:en]Denik Kharisma Sari ABSTRACT This thesis discusses Japan’s economic policy in Blitar 1942- 1945. The problem in this thesis is how the condition of Blitar before the occupation, how Japan’s policy in the field of agriculture and plantations as well as how the...Read More
[:en]Arkom Buyala Abstract Addressing words in Indonesian and Thai are words used to address someone to talk. The two languages have differences and similiraties. This study describes: (1) the forms of addressing words in Indonesian and Thai; (2) similarities and differences of addressing words in...Read More
[:en]ABSTRACT Arif Jainuri Film is an art work that is closely related to the science of aesthetics, so it can be identified that in film there is beauty which is being built. Beauty in film affects the process of message transmission and depiction in the...Read More
[:en]Anas Ma’ruf, S.S. ABSTRACT The linguistic aspects in communication strategy have big impact on increasing the level of electability of a presidential candidate during the campaign period. This situation is depicted in Jokowi’s successful presidential election campaign in 2014. This research elaborates high-...Read More
[:en]Alip Aprilianto ABSTRACT .org is a title of television program with the type of feature. Gives the inspirational program about a community in every episode. In this episode .org talks Berbagi Happy community located in Jember. Berbagi Happy is a social community which concern...Read More
Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget.