November 22, 2016


[:en]Heny Retna Anggraeny   ABSTRACT   Pasrah pinanganten and panampi are kinds of speech delivered in Islamic wedding ceremony mantu and ngundhuh mantu in Javanesse people. This analysis describes (1) the structure, (2) the cohesion and coherence, (3) intertextuality, (4) diction and figurative language, and (5) speech acts. The data collection method used in this...
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[:en]Fenti Tanjung Sari   Abstract   This study is focused on the use of language in the Misogyny Speech delivered by Julia Gillard, the first female Australian Prime Minister, on 22 October 2012. Data is obtained from The Sydney Moring Herald website as much as 264 clauses of Julia Gillard’s Misogyny Speech transcript. To reveal...
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