[:en]Yeni Indah kristanti Abstract This research investigates apology strategy in Agatha Christie’s Black Coffee. This research is aimed at classifying the apology strategy and at finding the different type of strategies performed by the characters in the novel. Then, the research will analyze why...Read More
[:en]Wuri Windyati ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the conflict of Kampunganyar Village Head election, District of Glagah, Banyuwangi Regency in 2007-2010. The problems in this thesis are (1) What prompted the conflict of Village Head election? (2) How did the conflict of Village Head election occur?...Read More
[:en]WIDODO SUNGKONO Abstract This article deals with environmental issues represented in C.S Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle, 1956. There are some environmental issues which are represented clearly in The Last Battle. There are three problems to discuss in this research. The...Read More
[:en]Wahyuni Fajaria Agustin Abstract In the study of language and gender, men and women have different characteristics in the use of language. It creates gender differences in the amount of talk and the topic selections. In reality, most of people know that women tend...Read More
[:en]Vina Savitri Abstract The objective of research is to describe the types of written and spoken errors in Indonesian language in listening comprehensive learning produced by deaf students in SMPLB Bina Wiyata Putra Situbondo and to describe the comparison between language error produced by...Read More
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