[:en]Senat Fakultas merupakan badan normatif dan badan perwakilan tertinggi di Fakultas yang keputusannya merupakan dasar bagi pimpinan Fakultas dalam melaksanakan tugasnya. Senat Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember (FIB-UNEJ) setiap periode Yudisium melakukan sidang terbuka untuk melepas Sarjana Sastra dan Magister Linguistik FIB-UNEJ. Bakal calon Dekan...Read More
[:en]Yuyun Wahyuni Abstract The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears is a debut novel of Dinaw Mengestu that represents the condition of African diaspora in the United States. This novel is the portrayal of the difficulties faced by Ethiopian diasporic through the main character...Read More
[:en]Tyas Murni Puji Astutik Abstract The objective of the research was to describe and analyze the rises and subside of PT. Kertas Leces Probolinggo in 1990-2014 by studying the history of the company through socio-economic approach. The problems are formulated as following: (1)...Read More
[:en]Siti Hasanah ABSTRACT This research discusses the Women in Two Worlds (The Existence of Women Workers at PTPN XII Pancur Angkrek in the Year 1998-2012) in the village of Sumbercanting, Botolinggo District, Bondowoso viewed from the economic aspect and the division...Read More
[:en]Sita Murti ABSTRACT This study analyses some issues related to the representation of orientalism discourse between Australia as the West and Indonesia as the East. The construction is represented in Indo Dreaming through its characters. This study uses the theory of Edward Said’s Orientalism...Read More
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