[:en]Rohmatul Laila Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the background of the labor dispute, to know the process of labor disputes, as well as the impact of the labor dispute. Sociological approach used in this paper is to analyze about labor. The...Read More
[:en]RAHMAT ADE DARMAWAN Abstract Literary works can be said as the representation of human life. John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men is the novella that brings the issues about agricultural worker, especially ranch worker. Most of the characters in Of Mice and Men are...Read More
[:en]Nuri Lailiatul Fadila ABSTRACT This article discusses (1) the form of terms in slametan (a traditional ritual) mowang na’as and arokat and (2) the interpretation meaning and the use of them in the two rituals in Kalitapen Village, Tapen Sub-district, Bondowoso Regency. The data collected...Read More
[:en]Mohamad Ulil Albab Abstract This thesis discusses governmental control and intervention towards songs writing in Indonesia, espescially in Soekarno’s Managed Democracy (Demokrasi Terpimpin) untill Soeharto’s Pancasila regime, namely from 1959-1998. The thesis compares the intervention imposed in both regime. Along Managed Democracy, music is part...Read More
[:en]Mega Ayu Lestari Abstract This article discusses the roles of Akbar Tanjung in saving Golkar Party at the political crises times 1998-1999, emphasizing on the political aspects. The goal of this study is to know how Akbar Tanjung brought successfully Golkar as the second winner...Read More
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