[:en]SUMMARY The Description of Sentences in the Students’ Compositions from Class VIII A and Class VIII B at SMP Negeri 13 Jember; Holisandi Maria Oktavia; 090110201051; 2016; 85 halaman; Jurusan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Jember. Sentence is the smallest linguistic...Read More
[:en]SUMMARY The Development of Tourism Sector in Bayuwangi Regency 2002-2013, Hisyam Arifal Fahad, 100110301022; 165 papers; 2016; History Department, Faculty of Humanities, University of Jember. This thesis discuss about development of tourism sector in Banyuwangi and the effect of economics, social, and culture,...Read More
[:en]SUMMARY The Use of Interrogative Sentences in Madurese Language in Bârighâân Village, Panarukan Sub-District, Situbondo Regency; Heri Budiyono, 120110201063; 2016; 112 pages; Indonesian Literature Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Jember. Interrogative sentence is a sentence which is delivered to get an answer in...Read More
[:en]SUMMARY Interlanguage Pragmatics: Differences of English Request Strategies Between High Proficiency and Low Proficiency Students of Academic Year 2012 of English Department Faculty of Humanities University of Jember; Harliansyah Noer Yunanda, 090110101063; 2016; 60 pages; English Department Faculty of Humanities, University of Jember. This...Read More
[:en]SUMMARY Centrality of lexical categories subject and complement in the processing of simple sentences: a study of automaticity among juniors of English Department, Jember University; Galang Fajaryanto, 100110101109; 2016:111 pages; English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Jember University. ‘Automaticity’ is a phenomenon that usually happens...Read More
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