March 23, 2017


[:en]SUMMARY THE TERMS IN PERBATIKAN (MAKING BATIK) ACTIVITY IN MADURESE SOCIETY IN SUMBER PAKEM VILLAGE, SUMBER JAMBE SUBDISTRICT, JEMBER REGENCY (A SEMANTIC STUDY)   This research discusses the term in a batik activity on Madura community in Sumber Pakem Village, Sumber Jambe Subdistrict, Jember Regency. A term is a certain name which has a specific...
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[:en]RINGKASAN   Kajian tentang Tindak Tutur pada Pidato Kampanye Pemilihan Presiden yang di lakukan oleh Barack Obama dan Hillary Clinton; Nurul Idawati, 110110101080; 2016; 106 halaman; Departemen Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Jember.   Fenomena tindak tutur terlihat dalam pidato kampanye yang dilakukan oleh Barack Obama dan Hillary Clinton. Di dalam pidato kampanyenya ditemukan bahwa mereka...
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[:en]SUMMARY   The Woman Construction in Lan Fang’s Short Story Collection Yang Liu (A Feminist Study); Nurul Aini; 108 pages; Departement of Indonesian Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Jember University This research aims to reveal man power upon woman, existentialist state of woman character, and the construction of woman in Lan Fang’s Short Story Collection. The...
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[:en]SUMMARY Langston Hughes’ Selected Poems in Riffaterre’s Perspective; Nova Munawaratul Riana; 120110101118; 2016; 52 Pages; English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Jember University. This research analyzes the life of African-American in the slavery period through Langston Hughes’ three selected poems. In this research, the writer took three selected poems of Hughes which deal with the history...
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[:en]SUMMARY   A Humanitarian Study of Aguk Irawan MN’s Haji Backpacker; Nofi Yulianti; 120110201057; 105 pages; Indonesian Literature Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Jember.   This research discusses two problems, namely (1) the connection of structural elements, including title, theme, character and characterization and (2) conflicts in Aguk Irawan MN’s Haji Backpacker and the humanities...
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