November 2016


[:en] Rapat Anggota Tahun (RAT) 2016 Ikatan Mahasiswa Sastra Indonesia (IMASIND), Jumat, 18 November 2016 dibuka oleh Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember, Prof. Dr. Akhmad Sofyan, M.Hum salah satunya mengagendakan pergantian pengurus, demikian kata Ulul Arham selaku ketua demiseoner yang mengaku menjabat ketua IMASIND sejak 2015. Dekan, Akhmad Sofyan mengingatkan kepada IMASIND untuk bersama-sama...
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[:en]Denik Kharisma Sari   ABSTRACT   This thesis discusses Japan’s economic policy in Blitar 1942- 1945. The problem in this thesis is how the condition of Blitar before the occupation, how Japan’s policy in the field of agriculture and plantations as well as how the impact of the adoption of the Japanese occupation policy in...
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[:en]Arkom Buyala Abstract Addressing words in Indonesian and Thai are words used to address someone to talk. The two languages have differences and similiraties. This study describes: (1) the forms of addressing words in Indonesian and Thai; (2) similarities and differences of addressing words in Indonesian and Thai; and, (3) the using of addressing words...
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[:en]ABSTRACT Arif Jainuri Film is an art work that is closely related to the science of aesthetics, so it can be identified that in film there is beauty which is being built. Beauty in film affects the process of message transmission and depiction in the film. Based on the important role of the beauty of...
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[:en]Anas Ma’ruf, S.S.   ABSTRACT   The linguistic aspects in communication strategy have big impact on increasing the level of electability of a presidential candidate during the campaign period. This situation is depicted in Jokowi’s successful presidential election campaign in 2014. This research elaborates high- and low-context of language, media, and culture of Jokowi in...
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[:en]Alip Aprilianto   ABSTRACT .org is a title of television program with the type of feature. Gives the inspirational program about a community in every episode. In this episode .org talks Berbagi Happy community located in Jember. Berbagi Happy is a social community which concern on education with the majority of member are children. Creator...
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[:en]Ade Terina Febriyanti ABSTRACT The study will mainly discuss the communication ability of student with limited communication ability named, Habibie who studies among his normal peers. Habibi’s communication ability will be analyzed as the following (1) Habibis’s illocution speech acts, which include assertive, directive, commisive, expressive, and declarative speech acts; (2) Habibi’s ability to understand...
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[:en] Dieas Natalis Universitas Jember ke-52 dalam acara senam masal yang dihadiri ribuan lansia dan ribuan mahasiswa serta PNS di lingkungan Universitas Jember (11/11) di meriahkan dengan penampilan musik oleh Dewan Kesenian Kampus (DKK) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember. Selain dua buah lagu bernuansa banyuwangi (Bulan Andung-Andung dan Gerajagan Banyuwangi), berikut adalah taria jaran goyang...
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[:en] Dalam rangka memeriahkan Ulang Tahunnya yang ke-52, pada Sabtu, 11 November 2016 Universitas Jember mengadakan senam masal di lapangan depan perpustakaan Universitas Jember dihadiri ribuan lansia dari berbagai karang werda se kabupaten Jember, ribuan mahasiswa dan PNS di lingkungan Universitas Jember. Panitia senam masal menyediakan berbagai hadiah doorprize dengan total ratusan juta rupiah dengan hadiah...
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[:en] Biasiswa unggulan pemerintah kepada mahasiswa melalui beasisiswa bidik misi diberikan kepada mahasiswa yang memiliki prestasi tetapi kurang mampu (miskin) untuk bisa melanjukan kuliah di perguruan tinggi. Pembantu Dekan III bidang Kemahasiswaan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember (FIB-UNEJ), Drs. Wisasongko, M.A. saat memberikan pengarahan kepada 60 mahasiswa penerima bidik misi (11/11) di Aula FIB-UNEJ mengajak kepada mereka...
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