[:en]Nurul Faizah Amiliyah Abstract Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows are the last two novels of Harry Potter series written by J.K Rowling. Harry Potter is a serial novel tells about the life of magical society, which...Read More
[:en]Natalia Diah Dwi Utari Abstract Discourse analysis is defined as an investigation of language use in speech and writing (Mayr, 2008:2). Speech as one of the forms of spoken discourse is regarded as the object in this research. The speech entitled “Susilo...Read More
[:en]Muhammad Hasbillah Abstract This article reports on a study that examined the employment of evaluative language in English argumentative writings written up by twelve EFL students. The focal point of the study was to delineate the distinctions in the distribution of evaluations between high-graded...Read More
[:en]Muhammad Daviq Hasbullah ABSTRACT This study focuses on the humanistic psychology of the main character. The result of the humanistic psychology of the main character of the novel Ayah, Lelaki itu Mengkhianatiku shows that the problem experienced by someone would get him/her suppressed. The levels...Read More
[:en]Muhammad Ariz Dafiqi Abstract This study is aimed to analyze the types of impoliteness and the factors that influence the use of impoliteness strategies in a movie script. The data source of this research are taken from a movie script entitled Carnage directed by Roman...Read More
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