[:en]Shobibah Turrohma ABSTRACT This research uncovers power represented by Abraham Lincoln as the main character in Lincoln movie. For uncovering the power representation by Lincoln, theory of Discourse Analysis combined with Systemic Functional Linguistics Focusing on the transitivity, mood and modality analysis by...Read More
[:en]Rodiatam Mardiyah ABSTRACT The construction of Wonorejo Dam was inspired by the importance of dam for flood control and irrigation in Tulungagung regency as well as water supply for Surabaya City. Its construction was carried out by the Directorate General of Water Resources within...Read More
[:en] Rista Esya Kharisma Puja Nur Annisa Abstract Instant messaging or IM is a system on the internet that allows people to exchange written messages to other people quickly. However, IM can be used in utterances as well. One of the examples is in the...Read More
[:en]Retna Restiyana ABSTRACT This thesis discusses about the Existence of Reog Singo Budoyo Art Studio in Pontang Village, Ambulu District, Jember Regency during 1970-2012. The problems in the thesis are 1) the history of the initiation of Reog Singo budoyo Art Studio; 2) how...Read More
[:en]Putri Yashinta Istiara ABSTRAC Mantra (spell) is a language which is classified as a ritual language since mantra texts are used for specific purposes. Mantra includes grace spells, thieve spells, rain repellent spells, and kanuragan (supranatural power) spells. Those spells are analyzed based on...Read More
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