[:en] Upaya Universitas Jember yang sudah bekerjasama dengan penerbit terkemuka “Springer” melalui Unit Pelayanan Terpadu (UPT) Perpustakaan sepertinya masih belum maksimal diakses oleh sivitas akademika terutama dosen. Salah satunya terlihat ketika tim UPT Perpustakaan mensosialisasikan penelusuran buku dan jurnal yang dapat di download secara bebas...Read More
[:en]SUMMARY The Television Movie Script of “Pemuda Idaman #ngaca” Romance Comedy; Bima Aji Rogo Wibowo, 120110401014; 2016; 57 pages; Television and Film Study Program, the University of Jember. The television movie script of “Pemuda Idaman #ngaca” is a romance-comedy screenplay written based on the...Read More
[:en]SUMMARY An Analysis of Diction and Language Style on the Account yang.terdalam in Instagram Social Media; Ayu Budiarti; 120110201062; 2016; 63pages; Department of Indonesian Literature Faculty of Humanities University of Jember. yang.terdalam account is one of the accounts in instagram social media. In the...Read More
[:en]SUMMARY The Film Semiotic Analysis by Christian Metz: A Case Study of Religious Value Visualization on Hijrah Cinta Movie; Alga Lilis Kusuma Dewi; 110110401012; 125 pages; Television and Film Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Science, the University of Jember. Hijrah Cinta movie is a biographical...Read More
[:en]SUMMARY A Study of Speech Acts: Revealing James Brown’s Personality Based on The Most Dominant Type of Illocutionary Acts that Appears within His Dialogues in Get On Up Movie; Alexs Gunawan Ario Yudo, 090110101038; 2016: pages; English Department Faculty of Humanities Jember University. Speech...Read More
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