December 28, 2016


[:en]Mohamad Ulil Albab Abstract This thesis discusses governmental control and intervention towards songs writing in Indonesia, espescially in Soekarno’s Managed Democracy (Demokrasi Terpimpin) untill Soeharto’s Pancasila regime, namely from 1959-1998. The thesis compares the intervention imposed in both regime. Along Managed Democracy, music is part of revolutionary struggle since it is written to enhance nationalism...
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[:en]Mega Ayu Lestari Abstract This article discusses the roles of Akbar Tanjung in saving Golkar Party at the political crises times 1998-1999, emphasizing on the political aspects. The goal of this study is to know how Akbar Tanjung brought successfully Golkar as the second winner in the 1999 General Election, so his party was safe...
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