[:en]Retno Winarni dan Mrr. Ratna Endang Widuatie Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember Pos-el: retnowinarni122@yahoo.com halaman : 216 – 232 PDF Abstract This article discusses the political conflict in the movement of 1926. The focus of research is how did the political conflict in the movement of the SI occur, what factors were behind the conflict, and what impact...Read More
[:en]Miftachul Firdaus Abstract This research is aimed to explain and analyze the development of land conflict that occurred in Kalibaru Manis village, Kalibaru district, Banyuwangi regency during 1999-2001. To know the development of the land conflict occurred in Kalibaru Manis village, sociology approach emphasizing on theory of conflict needs to be conducted. The problems...Read More
[:en]Wuri Windyati ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the conflict of Kampunganyar Village Head election, District of Glagah, Banyuwangi Regency in 2007-2010. The problems in this thesis are (1) What prompted the conflict of Village Head election? (2) How did the conflict of Village Head election occur? (3) How was the conflict resolution of Village Head election?...Read More