[:en]Ade Terina Febriyanti ABSTRACT The study will mainly discuss the communication ability of student with limited communication ability named, Habibie who studies among his normal peers. Habibi’s communication ability will be analyzed as the following (1) Habibis’s illocution speech acts, which include assertive, directive, commisive, expressive, and declarative speech acts; (2) Habibi’s ability to understand...Read More
[:en]Dwi Rosa Nur Farikhah Abstract Moga Bunda Disayang Allah is a novel written by Tere Liye. It tells about Melati, a 6-year-old girl with phisical disabilities: blind and deaf. These disabilities unable Melati to communicate and interact with people on her surroundings. However, being blind and deaf did not make Melati weak. Her curiosity...Read More
[:id]Dwi Rosa Nur Farikhah Abstrak Moga Bunda Disayang Allah adalah sebuah novel karya Tere-Liye yang menceritakan tentang Melati, gadis berusia enam tahun yang memiliki kecatatan fisik yaitu buta dan tuli. Kecatatan fisik ini membuat Melati tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan orang lain dan dunia di sekitarnya. Akan tetapi, kondisi Melati yang buta dan tuli tidak...Read More