[:en]The Education Dynamics of Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School in Mimbaan Sub-District, Panji District, Situbondo Regency, 1996-2013[:id]DINAMIKA PENDIDIKAN PONDOK PESANTREN WALI SONGO DI KELURAHAN MIMBAAN KECAMATAN PANJI KABUPATEN SITUBONDO TAHUN 1996-2013[:]

[:en]Mohammad Taufik



This study is aimed at analyzing the education dynamics of Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School in Mimbaan Sub-district, Panji District, Situbondo Regency, 1996-2013, by using an education sociology approach. This Islamic boarding school is one of salaf boarding schools in Situbondo that has applied modern education system. Since the implementation of education modernization,  the number of students studying in the Wali Songo has increased. Many parents rely their children to study in this Islamic boarding school, because the charismatic figure of KHR Moh Khalil As’ad has become the leader of the Wali Songo, although some facilities have been incomplete yet and still in the developing process. Besides getting Islamic religious knowledge, their children also get modern knowledge. The existence of the Wali Songo has given socio-cultural and economic impact toward local communities. The socio-cultural changing can be seen through the socio-cultural could be seen through the surrounding communities who are more religious because KHR Moh Khalil As’ad always guides them to be obedient to their religion. Further, the economic impact of this Islamic boarding school is many local people maintain business around Wali Songo that can help improving their economic condition.

Keywords: dynamics, modernization, education, Wali Songo Islamic boarding school.[:id]Mohammad Taufik


Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis  dinamika pendidikan Pondok Pesantren Wali Songo di Kelurahan Mimbaan Kecamatan Panji Kabupaten Situbondo Tahun 1996-2013 dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi pendidikan. Pesantren ini merupakan salah satu pesantren salaf di Situbondo yang menerapkan sistem pendidikan modern. Semenjak penerapan modernisasi pendidikan jumlah santri yang belajar di Wali Songo ini mengalami peningkatan. Para orang tua mempercayakan anak mereka untuk mondok dan bersekolah di Wali Songo karena sosok kharismatik KHR Moh Kholil As’ad menjadi pemimpin Pondok Pesantren Wali Songo meskipun secara fasilitas masih belum lengkap dan dalam tahap pembangunan. Selain mendapatkan ilmu agama Islam, anak-anak mereka juga mendapatkan ilmu modern. Keberadaan Wali Songo membawa dampak sosial-budaya dan ekonomi bagi masyarakat lokal. Perubahan sosial-budaya dapat dilihat dari kondisi masyarakat yang semakin agamis karena KHR Moh Kholil As’ad selalu membimbing masyarakat setempat untuk taat beragama. Lebih jauh lagi, dampak ekonomi dari pesantren ini adalah banyak anggota masyarakat menjalankan usaha di sekitar Wali Songo yang bisa membantu memperbaiki kondisi ekonomi mereka.

Kata kunci: dinamika, modernisasi, pendidikan, Pondok Pesantren Wali Songo.


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