[:en]Abstrak This study aims at assessing the domestic violences contained in the folklore of the archipelago and found in real life for the past ten years. Library research was done by reading the folklore of the archipelago and the mass media, daily and weekly that carried stories about domestic violences. The analysis was performed with...Read More
[:en]Farid Esti Khoma ABSTRAK Penindasan terhadap perempuan adalah masalah sosial yang masih terjadi di dalam masyarakat. Pada lingkungan masyarakat Amerika, penindasan pada perempuan terjadi karena dominasi kekuasaan laki-laki. Dominasi kekuasaaan laki-laki menyebabkan penindasan terhadap kaum perempuan melalui kekerasan dan diskriminasi. Penindasan terhadap perempuan tidak hanya melalui fisik tetapi juga psikologi atau mental. Penindasan terhadap...Read More
[:id]Dwi Rosa Nur Farikhah Abstrak Moga Bunda Disayang Allah adalah sebuah novel karya Tere-Liye yang menceritakan tentang Melati, gadis berusia enam tahun yang memiliki kecatatan fisik yaitu buta dan tuli. Kecatatan fisik ini membuat Melati tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan orang lain dan dunia di sekitarnya. Akan tetapi, kondisi Melati yang buta dan tuli tidak...Read More
[:en]Eka Rosiana Rais Abstract This research talks about the flouting maxims as the result of applying implicature on the main characters’ utterances in The Amazing World of Gumball. This study concerns with the use of cooperative principle, the four conversational maxims, and the flouting of the maxims. The purposes of this research are; to...Read More
[:en]Bayu Dwi Prasetyo Abstract Through A Passage to India, Forster shows his idea to criticize British government as they could not maintain their authority in India during colonialism era. He exposes the resistance of Indian people when they receive oppressions from British people as the leader. The oppressions give significant change to British people...Read More
[:en]ARUM DWI HARDINI Abstract This paper discusses greetings and addressings in Javanese language in District of Sugio, Lamongan from sosiopragmatic aspect. It aimed to describe the forms and uses of the greetings and addressings. This research was conducted in three stage. The fist stage was data collection using interview. The second stage was data...Read More
[:en]Adi Surya Rahmanu Abstract A Dark Moon Raging is a novel written in 1982 by Aileen Armitage. This novel adopted an actual murder case conducted by a fifth teen years old girl named Constance Kent who kills her half brother, Franciss Kent. This study focuses on Armitage’s motive behind the creation of the novel....Read More
[:en]Abdul Aziz Yusuf Abstract Through We Need New Names, Bulawayo exposes the crisis happened in Zimbabwe which triggers the migration of many Zimbabweans to South Africa or United States. She tells the difficulties undergone by immigrants in United States through Darling’s character, the main character of the novel. As an immigrant, Darling experiences a...Read More
[:en]Zubaida Abstract Mimbo is a rural area in Sumberanyar Village, Banyuputih District, Situbondo. Mimbo is located in northern part of Situbondo at the edge of Madura Strait, and the area is very potential. Located in coastal area, the settlements of Mimbo work as fishermen. The people of Mimbo often experience economic problems, especially the...Read More
[:en]Yusuf Wibisono Abstract Humour is a verbal and visual stimulation that spontaneously provoke smiles and laughter; listener or viewer. Humour can be presented in various forms such as fairy tales, riddles, folk poetry, folk songs, nicknames, caricatures, cartoons, even the name of the food that is funny. In this research, the humour is presented...Read More