[:en]The Use Of Jargon at Tawang Alun Bus Station, Jember (A Sociolinguistics Study); Sholehudin Aziz, 090110201002; 2016; 60 pages, Indonesian Departement Faculty of Humanities, Jember University This research, the use of jargon at Tawang Alun Bus Station in Jember, is a qualitative research. There...Read More
[:en]Rebuilding The New World: An Ecocriticism Study on Margaret Atwood’s The Year of the Flood; Shinta Dewi Mellyawesti; 40 pages; English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Jember University. This research analyzes an ecocriticism study in Margaret Atwood’s The Year of the Flood. The Year of the...Read More
[:en] An Analysis of Online Shop Register Terms and The Customers’ Response in Some Online Shopping Websites; Shilviani Juwita Mashaq;110110101023;2016; English Department; Faculty of Humanities; Jember University; 63 pages. This thesis deals with the analysis of online shop register terms and the customers’ response...Read More
[:en]The Translation Techniques Used in the First Two Chapters of the English Version of Andrea Hirata’s Laskar Pelangi; Risqiyatul Karomah, 120110101061, 57 pages; English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Jember University. This research discusses about the translation techniques used in the first two chapters of the...Read More
[:en]SUMMARY THE TERMS IN PERBATIKAN (MAKING BATIK) ACTIVITY IN MADURESE SOCIETY IN SUMBER PAKEM VILLAGE, SUMBER JAMBE SUBDISTRICT, JEMBER REGENCY (A SEMANTIC STUDY) This research discusses the term in a batik activity on Madura community in Sumber Pakem Village, Sumber Jambe Subdistrict, Jember Regency....Read More
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