[:en]Summary The Existence of Tayub in Nganjuk in 1996-2009; Wahyu Fitriyani, 120110301012; 2016; 155 pages: History Departement Faculty of Humanities Jember University. This article discusses The Existence of Tayub in Nganjuk in 1966-2009 in terms of its development and/or decline. The subjects of...Read More
[:en]The Representation of African – American Slavery Portrayed in Claude McKay’s Five Selected Poem; Supriandi; 120110101070; 2016: 55 pages; English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Jember University. This research tries to dismantle the portrait of African – American slavery in 1920s through Claude McKay’s five...Read More
[:en] Menggugah Mahasiswa Sukses Sebelum Usia 30 Tahun Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universtias Jember (FIB-UNEJ) pada 30 Mei 2017 mengumpulkan mahasiswanya untuk berbagi sukses dengan motivator entrepreneurship Jember, Handinata Santoso. Ratusan mahasiwa FIB-UNEJ sangat bersemangat mengikuti kiat-kiat sukses dari alumni Apoteker UBAYA. Wakil Dekan III, Wisasongko...Read More
[:en]SUMMARY Shifting Address of Javanese society in Tamanagung village, district Cluring, Banyuwangi; Siti Mutmainah, 120110201021; 2012; 118 pages; Indonesian Literature Department, Faculty of Humanities – University of Jember. Address is a word to say hello, to greet and to salute the second person or the...Read More
[:en]The Discourse of Ahok`s Independency in Jakarta Gubernatorial Election: A Study of Appraisal; Siti Fitriah, 120110101077; 2016: 60 pages; English Departmen Faculty of Humanities, Jember University. The research analyses about the discourse of Ahok`s independency which is announced at 7 of March 2016. Ahok`s independency...Read More
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