October 3, 2016


[:en]ESI EMALISA ABSTRACT   This research is purpose to describe the backround of the villages name, derivation of villages name and the meaning of villages name in the subdistrict wringin bondowoso regency. The research is practicable in three steps, first is preparing data, second is processing data and the third is presentation of data. preparing...
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[:en]Dian Puji Yuliandari   Abstract   This study analyzes the motivation of the Indonesian EFL learners in English reading activity. In conducting this study, it is used the motivation theory based on Deci & Ryan (2000); intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. This study uses two types of data, both of qualitative and quantitative data. The data...
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[:en]Diah Ariyanti   Abstract Through Train to Pakistan, Khushwant Singh exposes the bloody conflict that happened after the partition of India in 1947. The novel is the depiction of the way in gaining the economic and political interest by Indian elites in the independence period. This study purposes to discover the social condition of India...
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[:en]Dewi Sri Rahayu   ABSTRACT Through Americanah, Adichie tries to expose the changing of identity formation of diasporic subject due to cultural appropriation in a new land. She tells about the difficulty experienced by immigrants in United States through the main character, Ifemelu in this novel. As a Nigerian immigrant in America, Ifemelu experiences cultural...
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