September 2016


[:en]Deena Dwi Aprilia   ABSTRACT The object of this research deals with media discourse. There are four selected news articles from two official websites of English-language newspaper in Indonesia; The Jakarta Post and The Jakarta Globe. Concerning with Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) law revision, many news articles have released by these two media. Four news...
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[:en]Chrisdianto Wibowo Kamandoko   Abstract This study is intended to investigate power in the discourse of the queen characters in the films Frozen and The Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs produced by the same discourse maker, Walt Disney. The goal of this study is to expose an unequal power relation between powerful participants in...
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[:en]Anajilan Maulida   ABSTRACT   This research focuses on the cultural hegemony that exists in novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck. A cultural study was applied to determine the cultural meanings contained in the novel. The result of the reaserch on cultural hegemony showed that a consensus must be maintained for the instability of hegemony...
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[:en]Achmat Fatoni    ABSTRACT Limitations in the television advertising of tobacco products encourages advertisers to think more creatively in packaging advertising tobacco products. Advertising of tobacco products must not display tobacco products as well as the form and use. Tobacco products could only display the image or the image of the product. This is exactly...
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[:en] Jurusan Sastra Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember (FIB-UNEJ) berupaya meningkatkan kompetensi dan prestasi mahasiswanya melalui kegiatan Workshop Creative Writing. Workshop sehari dengan mendatangkan nara sumber Katrine May Hansen dari Denmark ini dilaksanakan selama dua hari (20-21/9) bertempat di Aula FIB-UNEJ. Katrine May Hansen adalah seorang founder of Lovetrust Project dari Denmark, terang L.Dyah Purwita...
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[:en] Seragam baru yang dipakai tenaga kependidikan (13/9) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember (FIB-UNEJ) terkesan lebih berani, tegas dan percaya diri. Seragam baru FIB-UNEJ berwarna merah dan dominan hitam dengan garis putih itu sudah di desain kurang lebih dua bulan itu diserahkan kepada “Iyan Jaya Garment”. Sengaja kami mengambil warna merah karena merah melambangkan keberanian...
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[:en]Senat Fakultas merupakan badan normatif dan badan perwakilan tertinggi di Fakultas yang keputusannya merupakan dasar bagi pimpinan Fakultas dalam melaksanakan tugasnya. Senat Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember (FIB-UNEJ) setiap periode Yudisium melakukan sidang terbuka untuk melepas Sarjana Sastra dan Magister Linguistik FIB-UNEJ. Bakal calon Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember periode 2016-2020 adalah calon terbaik...
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[:en]Yuyun Wahyuni   Abstract   The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears is a debut novel of Dinaw Mengestu that represents the condition of African diaspora in the United States. This novel is the portrayal of the difficulties faced by Ethiopian diasporic through the main character inside the story. This study aims to find out the...
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[:en]Tyas Murni Puji Astutik   Abstract   The objective of the research was to describe and analyze the rises and subside of PT. Kertas Leces Probolinggo in 1990-2014 by studying the history of the company through socio-economic approach. The problems are formulated as following: (1) How were the dynamics of Paper Factory Leces Probolinggo before...
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