[:en]Dalam rangka penyamaan persepsi tentang target materi kuliah pada beberapa mata kuliah, Program Studi Magister Linguistik akan melaksanakan kegiatan “Matrikulasi” dengan jadwal sebagai berikut: Surat undangan resmi dari Kaprodi[:id] Dalam rangka penyamaan persepsi tentang target materi kuliah pada beberapa mata kuliah, Program Studi Magister Linguistik akan melaksanakan kegiatan “Matrikulasi” dengan jadwal sebagai berikut: Surat undangan...Read More
[:en]Fitri Nofianti Abstract Literary works are the reflection of real life. Novel is a literary work that tells a story in detail. The character in a novel usually describes the human attitude and behavior. Ambition is one of human attitude. This research discusses about the ambition of the two characters in The ABC Murders...Read More
[:en]Farid Esti Khoma ABSTRACT Woman’s oppression is the social problem that happen in society. In the U.S society, woman’s oppression happens because the domination power of man. Domination power of man causes oppression toward woman through violence and discrimination. Oppression toward woman is not only physical oppression but also psychological or mental oppression. Woman’s...Read More