[:en]The Construction of Wonorejo Dam, Tulungagung Regency Since 1982-2002[:id]Pembangunan Waduk Wonorejo, Kabupaten Tulungagung Tahun 1982-2002 [:]

[:en]Rodiatam Mardiyah



The construction of Wonorejo Dam was inspired by the importance of dam for flood control and irrigation in Tulungagung regency as well as water supply for Surabaya City. Its construction was carried out by the Directorate General of Water Resources within two periods: the first period was in 1982-1985, and the second period was in 1992-2002. The dam construction was once terminated in 1985-1991 due to funding problems. The process of Wonorejo Dam construction was made in several stages: (1) socialization, (2) land acquisition, (3) feasibility study and detailed designing, (4) construction. While the construction was in progress, changes were made in the original project plan; as a result, the completion was not in line with the target. After the construction was completed, Wonorejo Dam management was delegated to Perum Jasa Tirta (PJT), except for Hydroelectric Power Project, which was managed by Java-Bali Electricity Generation Project. This study utilized oral and written sources and photos to see the process.

Keywords: Wonorejo Dam, Flood, Water Supply, Land Acquisition, Electricity.[:id]Rodiatam Mardiyah



Pembangunan Waduk Wonorejo dilatarbelakangi oleh pentingnya waduk sebagai pengendali banjir dan irigasi Kabupaten Tulungagung, serta suplai air Kota Surabaya. Pembangunannya dilaksanakan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pengairan melalui dua periode, yaitu periode pertama tahun 1982-1985 dan periode kedua tahun 1992-2002. Pembangunan waduk sempat terhenti tahun 1985-1991 karena pendanaan. Proses pembangunan Waduk Wonorejo dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap: (1) sosialisasi, (2) pembebasan lahan, (3) studi kelayakan dan desain rinci, (4) konstruksi. Saat pelaksanaan pembangunan waduk, terjadi perubahan rencana awal proyek, akibatnya penyelesaian tidak sesuai target. Setelah pembangunan selesai pengelolaan Waduk Wonorejo dilimpahkan kepada Perum Jasa Tirta (PJT), kecuali PLTA dikelola oleh Proyek Listrik Jawa-Bali. Studi ini memanfaatkan sumber-sumber tulisan, lisan, foto untuk melihat proses.

Kata kunci: Waduk Wonorejo, Banjir, Suplai Air, Pembebasan Lahan, Listrik.[:]

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