[:en]Heny Retna Anggraeny
Pasrah pinanganten and panampi are kinds of speech delivered in Islamic wedding ceremony mantu and ngundhuh mantu in Javanesse people. This analysis describes (1) the structure, (2) the cohesion and coherence, (3) intertextuality, (4) diction and figurative language, and (5) speech acts. The data collection method used in this study is observation method. The data will be analyzed using “padan” and “agih” methods. According to the structure, pasrah pinanganten isdifferent from panampi speech. The discourse of speech is cohesion and coherence. Pasrah pinanganten speech and panampi speech have an intertextuality of presupposition and repetition. The dictions used in the speech include tembung saroja, idioms, connotative, and denotative words. The figurative language comprises parables, repetitions, and antithesis. The speech acts used in the speech are directive, representative, expressive, declarative, and commissive.
Keywords: Panampi, PasrahPinanganten, Intertextuality, Mantu, NgundhuhMantu.