[:en]Refeleksi Unsur-unsur Konteks Budaya pada Teks Khotbah Jumat[:]

Faculty of Letters Jember University

A Fiday sermon text is a special text because it is bound by a certain context of situation (register) and a certain context of culture (genre). The elements of the context of culture, such as ideology, constitution, time and place are the indirect sources in creating the Friday sermon text, while the elements, such as belief, values, norms or etique are the direct sources of creating the Friday sermon text. This article tries to demonstrate the reflection of the context of culture in Friday sermon texts. The forms of the reflection are the elements of Friday sermons, suach as: salam (greeting), syahadah (confession), wasiat bertakwa (devotion) and doa (prayer).
Key Words: the context of culture, Friday sermon, belief, values, norms

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