[:en]Imam Basuki
Faculty of Humanities University of Jember
Pos-el: imabas88@gmail.com
halaman : 127 – 138 PDF
This article discusses a novel Lady Chatterlay’s Lover by David Herbert Lawrence. The story is based on the writer’s life background as well as the background of English economic, social and cultural condition before and after the first world war. The life experiences of Connie and her husband, Clifford, are taken as the main topic of this research by using expressive and psychological approaches. It is described that at the beginning Connie has a good personality but this chnges to be a bad one after her husband, Clifford, has got paralyzed. Such a condition has shifted her to be a woman who has no good character. She plunges herself into humiliating life by committing adultery with some other men. She has done it because she has never got what she hopes from his husband ; in addition, the economic condition of her family also gets decline as the impact of English economic, social and cultural condition before and after the first world war. The result of this research proves that the two backgrounds above have provided great psychological effects on the writer in doing characterization of the main character in this novel.
Keywords: writer’s psychological aspect, characterization, the first world war[:id]Imam Basuki
Faculty of Humanities University of Jember
Pos-el: imabas88@gmail.com
halaman : 127 – 138 PDF
Artikel ini membahas Novel Lady Chatterlay’s Lover karya David Herbert Lawrence. Cerita ini dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang kehidupan si pengarang dan juga keadaan budaya, sosial dan ekonomi Inggris sebelum dan sesudah perang dunia pertama. Pengalaman hidup Connie dan suaminya, Clifford (tokoh utama dari novel ini) dipakai sebagai topik utama penelitian ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan psikologis dan ekspresif. Dikisahkan bahwa pada awalnya Connie memiliki kepribadian yang bagus kemudian berubah jadi pribadi yang buruk setelah suaminya mengalami cacat fisik. Dia melakukan hubungan intim dengan beberapa pria lain. Dia melakukan hal semacam ini karena suaminya telah tidak sanggup memberikan apa yang dia inginkan; apalagi kondisi ekonomi rumah tangganya menurun sebagai dampak dari keadaan budaya, sosial dan ekonomi Inggris sebelum dan sesudah perang dunia perrtama. Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa dua latar belakang di atas telah memberikan pengaruh/efek pesikologis terhadap pengarang di dalam memaparkan watak dari pelaku utama novel ini.
Kata kunci: aspek psikologis pengarang, penokohan/pemaparan watak, perang dunia pertama[:]