Sita Murti



This study analyses some issues related to the representation of orientalism discourse between Australia as the West and Indonesia as the East. The construction is represented in Indo Dreaming through its characters. This study uses the theory of Edward Said’s Orientalism which focuses on how the West sees the East through discursive stereotype construction. The goal of this research is to dismantle the construction of orientalism. The result of this study is that orientalism discourse is clearly depicted in Neil Grant’s Indo Dreaming. According to the data that have been processed in conjunction with Said’s Orientalism, the construction of binary opposition, the East is presented as the object of stereotype whereas the West is constructed in absentia. The constructions that are represented are firmly used as a tool for degrading the images of Indonesia because there is a specific ideological interest behind it. In other words, the existence of Indo Dreaming is the form of Australia’s annoyance toward Indonesia.


Keywords: orientalism, character, the West, the East, stereotype.

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