A Humanitarian Study of Aguk Irawan MN’s Haji Backpacker



A Humanitarian Study of Aguk Irawan MN’s Haji Backpacker; Nofi Yulianti; 120110201057; 105 pages; Indonesian Literature Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Jember.


This research discusses two problems, namely (1) the connection of structural elements, including title, theme, character and characterization and (2) conflicts in Aguk Irawan MN’s Haji Backpacker and the humanities aspects in the novel. The aims of this study are (1) to describe the interelements entanglement that composed the story, including title, theme, character and characterization, and conflicts and (2) to describe the humanities aspects including human being and love, human being and misery, human being and responsibility, and human being and anxiety.

To discuss the above problems, this study applies a humanitarian perspective which emphasizes on the representation of human problems in literary works. As a qualitative research, this thesis has some steps to do, namely (1) reading the whole contents of the novel; (2) identifying and proccessing data by classifying the data related with structural elements; (3) collecting data based on the main problems in this research; (4) choosing data that are appropriate with the problems of the research; (5) identifying and proccessing data by classifying the data related with the humanities study; (6) doing structural analysis; (7) doing humanitarian analysis; and, (8) making conclusion. There two methods of analysis, namely a structural analysis and a pragmatic analysis. The structural analysis is conducted to explain descriptively the title, theme, character and characterization, and conflicts. The pragmatic analysis focuses on describing some humanitarian problems experienced by the main character such as human being and love, human being and misery, human being and responsibility, and human being and anxiety.

The result of the structural analysis shows some interesting findings. In literary understanding, a title commonly may refer to a place exposed in a story, show an object pointed in a narrative, and describe a condition. Therefore, the title of Aguk Irawan MN’s Haji Backpaper can be categorized into the title which refers to the object narrated. The major theme of this novel is that the self identity of someone can be reached through struggle. There are some minor themes, namely (1) the love story is not always happy ending, (2) something done in a hurry will end bad, and (3) the affection of the elder sister to the younger brother. The main character of this novel is Mada. The supporting characters are Mada’s father, Mala, Sofia, and Marbel. Mada, Marbel, and Sofia have round character. The conflict includes physical and psychological conflicts. The conflict of human being against human being happens in this novel involves Mada with Mala and Mada with his father. The conflict of human being with society in the story involves Mada with Klahan, the civilian. The conflict of human being against nature does not exist in this novel. The conflict of ideas that involves one idea with another idea experienced by Mada. The psychological conflict between someone with his inner voice experienced by Mada that has not got Sofia’s love yet.

The dominant humanitarian aspects in Haji Backpacker are the problems experienced by the main character and the supporting characters that relate with human being and love, human being and misery, human being and responsibility, and human being and anxiety. The aspect human being and love is experienced by Mada, Mada’s father, Mala, and Marbel. Mada, for example, experiences a tragic event when Sofia, his future bride, runs away  in the wedding day. This moment leads him making a journey to Mecca to search his self-identity. The aspect of human being and misery is experienced by Mada, Mada’s father, Sofia, and Marbel. In his journey, Mada suffers pyshically and psychologically, but he should survive because he must reach the final destination, Mecca. The aspect of human being and responsibility is by Mada, Mada’s father, and Sofia. Mada has a responsibility to find out his father’s grave in Mecca because he wants to apologize for his guilty. Such descriptions show that searching self identity needs a long and complicated journey through which an individual will learn to handle many problems and to seek the way in understanding the meaning of identity as a human being.





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