AN PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF WOMAN IN KARTINI NAINGGOLAN’ SUJUD NISA DI KAKI TAHAJJUD-SUBUH; Ahmad Faiz Ali Perdana; 090110201014; 67 Pages; Department of Indonesian Literature Faculty of Humanities University of Jember.


Psychology explains the existence of human-self, including woman. Kartono (1992: 3) said that woman has a personality which is different with man. The female world has a particular basic scheme and structre based on her own behaviour. The personality world of woman performs the self as the world of caring, as besorgendwel, while the world of man is characterize by the world of working, subjugation, expansion, and aggressivity.

This study applies structural and pragmatic methods to analyze Sujud Nisa di Kaki Tahajjud-Subuh. The structural analysis includes theme, characterization, settings, and conflicts. The pragmatic analysis includes the woman personality and her specific characteristics, the personality of a pubescent girl, the personality of adolescence girl, the fracture-point, and the revision function.

The tittle of the novel Sujud Nisa di Kaki Tahajjud-Subuh indicates the object exposed in the story. The major theme, the dominant problem, in this novel is the temptation that is resolved with sincere heart will emerge happiness. This major theme is supported by minor themes, including the parental support as the factor of children’s success, the love of a friend both in the state of sorrow and joy, and sincerity can create happiness. Such themes support the major theme as the basis of telling the story.

The main character of this novel, Nisa, is a character who has round character because she experiences the changing of attitude from the very beginning of the story until the end. The subordinate characters are Father, Mother, Ais, and Irsyad. Father, Mother, and Irsyad have flat character because they do not experience the changing of characteristics from the very beginning of the story until the end, while Ais has a round character.

The conflicts happening in the novel include physical conflicts and psychological conflicts. The physical conflicts involve Nisa and her friends. Such conflicts also involve Nina and nature. The psychological conflicts happen in her heart. Both conflicts described by the writer have presented the dramatic story.

The settings of the novel include setting of time, place setting of place, and social setting. The setting of place includes her room, campus, boarding house, and an emergency room in an hospital. The setting of time happens in the afternoon at home when Nisa talks relax with her mother, in the morning, 03.45 a.m. with a dark condition and fresh air, and in Saturday morning at Nisa’s marriage contract. The social setting in this novel is Nisa’s social life in kampong and her social life in a big city.

Pragmatic analysis is emphasized on the study of woman pyschology including the personality of woman and her specific characteristic, the personality of a pubescent girl, the personality of adolescence girl, the fracture-point, and the revision function because such aspects are dominant in the novel. The study of the main character using the woman psychology can be concluded as follow. Nisa’s specific female characteristic is having the physical beauty, humble, and caring attitude. The personality of pubescent girl can be looked at Nisa through her ability to handle misery and the characteristic of sane life. The adolescence girl personality appears when she finds a purpose in life and understands the direction of his life. The point of fracture which is the psychological trauma experienced by Nisa. The point of fracture in the form of suffering caused by defamation that occurs to her. The revision functions in the form of self-healing process obtained from Nisa herself and also when she is together with Irsyad.



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