A Study of Framing Aspect in the Cinematography of “Nic and Mar” 2015 Episode 6 LINE Miniseries Drama



A Study of Framing Aspect in the Cinematography of “Nic and Mar” 2015 Episode 6 LINE Miniseries Drama Monica Paramita Hartoyo, 110110401056; 2016; 56 pages; Department of Television and Films Studies Faculty of Cultural Science Jember University.

Film is a genre of storytelling art composed by audio visual or a story told to the audience through a series of motion picture. Applying a good technique can result in a good quality movie. In making a movie, the film-makers should present an appealing progressive and flashback plots, one of the example is romance-themed story. This theme appeals the director that produced “Nic and Mar 2015” LINE Miniseries Drama. It has 7 episodes with the duration of 5 to 7 minutes each.

“Nic and Mar 2015” miniseries drama is the second drama produced by LINE following the success of its predecessor, “Ada Apa dengan Cinta?” mini drama in 2014. “Nic and Mar 2015” miniseries drama has its own appeal to the viewer because it is rare to have miniseries drama to be aired in a gadget which only has limited screen size unlike the common ones, television and big screen. The ending of “Nic and Mar 2015” miniseries drama is up to the audience to select. The creation of this mini drama is intended to promote LINE latest feature namely “Line story”. The presentation of this mini drama is encased in an interesting way, spread through social messaging LINE, so it is easy for LINE user to watch “Nic and Mar 2015” miniseries drama anywhere and anytime.

This research analyzed “Nic and Mar 2015” miniseries drama from cinematography perspective in the Framing aspect, using the Golden Section and Symmetry Framing composition which is promoted by Wes Anderson. In this research, the researcher tried to sort the screenshot taken in the episode 6 to determine which is more widely used, the composition of Golden Section or Symmetry framing. The further analysis of researcher showed that in the episode 6 of “Nic and Mar 2015” miniseries drama symmetry framing was used more often because the limited screen size of a gadget made the shot of size taken in this drama dominantly putting the object in the middle of the frame, so it is more comfortable to watch even in small sized screen. Moreover, the result of the analysis also revealed that, for the gadget screen, it was better to use medium shot for the type of shot. The result of the research of “Nic and Mar 2015” miniseries drama episode 6 using framing aspect showed that the size of the screen affecting the size and the composition in taking a picture.





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