An Analysis of Diction and Language Style on the Account yang.terdalam in Instagram Social Media


An Analysis of Diction and Language Style on the Account yang.terdalam in Instagram Social Media; Ayu Budiarti; 120110201062; 2016; 63pages; Department of Indonesian Literature Faculty of Humanities University of Jember.


yang.terdalam account is one of the accounts in instagram social media. In the account’s posting, there are various dictions and styles. The problems in this study include (1) how the diction is on yang.terdalam account in instagram social media and (2) how the style is on yang.terdalam account in instagram social media. The purpose of this study is to describe the diction and language style in yang.terdalam account.

The data collection method used in this research is observation which are involved-conversation observation technique and writting technique. The method of data analysis used are referential identity method for denotative meaningful word, contrasting method in stylistic approach for connotative meaningful words and words that contain language style. The method to present the results of the data analysis is an informal presentation, which presents the result of the analysis using ordinary words.

yang.terdalam account distinctiveness lies on the words in the form of expression with poetic language that can increase the followers desire to read and feel the delivered phrase. In addition, the use of various linguistic styles also becomes something unique in yang.terdalam account. The poetic expressions posted contain depressed, upset, sad, heartbroken feelings so it is suitable with teenagers and adults who experience it, thus the feeling of teenagers and adults who read the postings in yang.terdalam accounts feel to be represented.

Based on the type, the diction used in yang.terdalam account is in the forms of denotative meaningful diction, connotative meaningful diction, common words, and a special word. The use of denotative meaningful diction in the account’s posting aims to express clearly the purpose wanted to be  conveyed by the author. The diction which is mostly used on yang.terdalam account is connotative diction because the account uses poetic language in order to use more connotative diction.

yang.terdalam account also uses a lot of language styles, which are personification, simile, hyperbole, metaphor, litotes, antithesis, anaphora, alliteration, polisindeton, assonance, erotesis, euphemism, epithet, periphrase, and synesthesia. The language style that is mostly used on yang.terdalam account in social media instagram is hyperbole, metaphor and litotes. The hyperbole in the posting aims to exaggerate something or feeling experienced by the author. The metaphor used by the author is to equate one to another thing. The use of litotes aims to deny and humble. Apart from the three language styles, alliteration and assonance are also interesting on the account. Alliteration and assonance in the form of consonant and vowel repetition sound gives the beautiful impression on the account because both language styles are similar to rhyme in a poem. Synesthesia in the account’s posting is also included language style in the form of words related to sensory organs. The use of diction and language style on the account in instagram has three functions. The functions of the use of diction and language style on yang.terdalam account are (1) to influence and convince the reader to be more certain of the words posted by the author, (2) to reveal certain emotions or feelings, and (3) to give the beautiful impression at every word posted.




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