Adjectives of Javanese Language in Glagah, Lamongan



Adjectives of Javanese Language in Glagah, Lamongan; Erna Nur Afifah, 120110201043; 2016; 99 pages; Indonesian Department, Faculty of Humanities, Jember University.


Adjective is a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it. This study uses sub-dialect of Javanese Language as the object because it has several different lexicon with standard vocabulary of Javanese Language. Meanwhile, the goal of the study is to describe the characteristics and the forms of adjectives of Javanese Language in Glagah, Lamongan.

To collect the data in this study, the researcher uses interview as the method. In this case, the researcher asks several questions about the characteristics and form of adjectives in Glagah, Lamongan. The interview is recordes so that the data is valid. Further, recorded interview is transcribed into sentences. Later, the researcher sorts the transcription based on the need of this study, i.e. characteristics and forms of adjective of Javanese Language in Glagah, Lamongan.

The result of the study shows that the characteristics of adjectives of Javanese Language in Glagah, Lamongan cousist of morphemic characteristics, syntaxic characteristics, and semantic characteristics. First, based on morphemic characteristics, there are some affixes that function as the adjective marker with the characteristics: (a) adjective with affixation process; (b) adjective with diphthongization process; and (c) adjective with vocal-elevation process. Second, based on syntaxic characteristics, adjectives can be identified by considering the possibilities which can be followed by the other words in the level of phrase or clause with the word dhewe [dʰewe] ‘most’, luweh [luweh] ‘more’, paleng [paleη] ‘the most’; (b) adjectives can be incorporated with the word gak [ga?] ‘no’, seru [səru] ‘very’, rodok [rɔdɔ?] ‘rather’, kurang [kuraη] ‘less’; (c) adjectives which can explain  nouns; (d) adjectives can be incorporated with the word sek [se?] ‘still’.

Third, based on semantics characteristics, there are three characteristics of adjectives: (a) equative degree of comparison which is marked by se- + adjectives and podo ‘as … as’ + adjectives + -e ‘his/her’ + ambek ‘with’; (b) comparative  degree of comparison which is marked by adjective + –an + timbang; and (c) superlative degree of comparison which is marked by the word paleng + adjective.

Additionally, this study also discusses about the form of adjectives of Javanese Language in Glagah, Lamongan, i.e. monomorphemic adjectives which cousists of one morpheme: (a) original adjectives and (b) changeable-sound adjective. In addition, there is polimorphemic adjectives which cousists of two morpheme or more: (a) adjectives with the affixation process, (b) reduplication, and (c) adjectives in the form of intensity.


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