Yusuf Wibisono



Humour is a verbal and visual stimulation that spontaneously provoke smiles and laughter; listener or viewer. Humour can be presented in various forms such as fairy tales, riddles, folk poetry, folk songs, nicknames, caricatures, cartoons, even the name of the food that is funny. In this research, the humour is presented in the form of cartoons with the character Mimi & Eunice. The cartoon characters have utterances and actions that contain everyday life activities. The utterances of the comic are presented in the form of humour through the non-observance of the cooperative principle with the implication in the words, which cause the utterances of the characters are not easy to understand. This research explains about the analysis of flouting maxims of the cooperative principle, to analyze the type of maxim most widely violated by the character of Mimi and Eunice who violate the maxim. This study is based on Grice’s theory of infringement proverbs and Halliday’s theory about the context of the situation. The purpose of this study is to describe the location of the humorous speech Mimi and Eunice seen from the aspect of language tools and describe whether there is any violation of the principle of cooperation in the cartoon Mimi and Eunice to achieve cuteness. In the comic, the cartoonist applies the creation of humour that based on three aspects of the theories including incongruent, superiority, and relief. The methods used in this research are a study using qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods are used to describe the data in the form of sentences and quantitative methods used to determine the percentage of the research results. The results show that the four maxims violated by the character of Mimi and Eunice. In this research, implicature analysis used as the theoretical review as a unit of analysis in the form of utterances whose meaning is bound by context. Therefore, in the data analysis, the method used is the pragmatic method. At this stage of the presentation of the data analysis is done informally that the exposure using ordinary words.


Keywords: Implications, Cooperative Principle, proverbs offense, the context of the situation, Humour.


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